In the lessons of the subject Social Sciences (Gewi), the pupils deal with diverse forms of social coexistence of people in different areas of the earth, in the past, present and future.
The Turmalin class of the IMS recently had the opportunity to visit the ZDF capital city studio. This visit was organised as part of the Gewi lessons and was closely linked to the topic “Ancient Egypt”. The main aim of this excursion was to give the pupils a practical insight into the field of news production and to deepen their knowledge about life on the Nile during the time of the Egyptians.
In the Montessori context this means:
In the 2nd phase of development (6-12 years), one motto is: “Help me to think it out for myself.” The pupils learn respect for other cultures also through knowledge about this culture (here Egypt). Diversity is acknowledged and socially integrated through independent work and presentation to classmates.
At the beginning of the project, the Tourmaline class dealt intensively with the topic “Life on the Nile”. The pupils were encouraged to research independently and gather information on different aspects of the daily life of the Egyptians on the Nile. They explored topics such as agriculture, trade, culture and religion. The pupils were enthusiastic about this independent research and were able to expand their knowledge about Ancient Egypt.
After the students had gathered enough information, they were given the task of creating a presentation in the form of a news report. They learned how news is structured and how to present relevant information in a structured and appealing way. The students were responsible for researching the content of their presentation, designing the scenarios and taking on their roles as newscasters, experts and witnesses of Ancient Egypt.
After the students had prepared their presentations, they presented them in plenary. Each group presented their newscast and answered questions from the other students. This interactive presentation allowed the students to share their knowledge and improve their presentation skills.
As a highlight of the project, the Turmalin class was allowed to visit a real news programme in the ZDF capital studio. There they had the opportunity to experience the professional process of a news production first hand. They were able to observe how the presenters, cameramen and editors worked together to produce a news programme. This visit allowed the students to make a direct comparison between their own student production and a professional ZDF production.
After the visit to the ZDF capital studio, the students were encouraged to compare the two formats. They discussed the differences in terms of content, presentation, structure and professionalism. This comparison helped the students to develop a better understanding of the requirements and standards of journalism.
The visit to the ZDF capital studio was an outstanding experience for the Turmalin class.