Language immersion
The earlier, the better: children learn languages through play and almost along the way
Up to the age of about nine, children immerse themselves relatively quickly and easily in a foreign language. Much like the mother tongue, they grasp a new language without grammar and vocabulary cramming. At IMS, the world language English is offered as a second language. After only a few years at IMS, the children are already confident in both languages.
“Language bath” according to the bilingual immersion method
Two educators, two languages – that is the principle of immersion. It is the most successful method worldwide for learning a new language. Initially, English is not the subject of instruction, but a means of communication in everyday life. From Grade 1 onwards, children use the foreign language to engage with teachers and their English-speaking classmates. How learning takes place is determined by the child choosing from the foreign language input and discovering the structure of the language for themselves.
From the third grade onwards, English is additionally part of the lessons.
Also English-speaking class leaders
In all learning groups there is a team of English and German speaking teachers. In some classes, the English-speaking teacher is the class leader. Here, children can learn to read and write in English first. This is especially interesting for children who have learned English before German at home.
Our bilingual team
In our team, children find linguistic role models and conversation partners at a native-speaker level for both English and German. The language talents in the team also choose a language to speak with the children in everyday life. Our German-speaking teachers come from Bavaria, Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg, among other places. Teachers from Great Britain, the USA, Ireland and Sweden work in English.

Jale Pakhuylu Deputy Head Master IMS
Our students everyday have the chance to interact and communicate with native English speakers and native German speakers. This helps foster a natural and deep understanding of both languages.
IMS is truly international. Our students‘ families have their roots in 36 nations. The list of countries ranges from Angola to Vietnam. Our students learn about the great diversity of traditions, rites and festivals in their daily interactions and from the reports of their fellow students. The attractiveness of this environment draws families from all over Berlin and the surrounding area. See here what daily journeys to school the pupils sometimes take in order to experience this atmosphere.