Daily routine


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We are there when you need us

Our all-day school is open from Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 6 pm. Classes start at 8.30 and end between 14.00 and 15.00. These times are best suited to the children’s biorhythms, as research has shown. All children participate in our all-day programme. You have the choice to what extent you want to take advantage of this:

  • Your child can start at 7.30 a.m. in the early care with breakfast club, from 8.30 a.m. in the classroom at the open start of lessons or shortly before 9.00 a.m. on time for the compulsory start of lessons.
  • Depending on the after-school care voucher, your child can take advantage of our afternoon activities until 16:00 or 18:00 at the latest. Within the agreed care time, your child can also leave earlier if necessary.

Childcare voucher

Before starting school, you apply for a voucher for supplementary support and care (Hortgutschein). For children from Berlin, this is free of charge for the first 2 school years. Later and for children from Brandenburg, the Youth Welfare Office determines the costs. They depend on the parents’ income and the amount of care (until 4 p.m. or 6 p.m.) and range from 5 to 202 Euros.

Time Procedure for learning group 1-3 Procedure for learning group 4-6
7:30–8:00 Early support Early support
8:30–9:00 Open beginning Open beginning
9:00–9:30 Free work / Monday: Morning circle Free work / Monday: Morning circle
9:30–10:00 Free work Free work
11:30–12:00 Free work / Tue-Fri: Lunch circle
12:00–12:30 Lunch Free work / Tue – Thu: Lunch circle
12:30–13:00 Court Recess Lunch
13:00–13:30 Subject lessons / reading time / class council Court Recess
13:30–14:00 Subject lessons / class council (Classes end on Fridays at 14:00)
14:00–14:30 Pedagogical offers [1]
15:30–16:00 Working groups[2] / Support Working groups / Support
16:30 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30 Late-night care Late-night care
17:30 – 18:00

[1] Forest pedagogical offer 1x per week until approx. 15:45 hrs

[2] Study groups can have different start and start times between 15:30 and 17:00.

After-school care voucher

Our service:

Please find here the explanation for the determination of after-school care costs for Berlin children. Here you will find the application for funding for Berlin children from the 3rd school year.

Families from Brandenburg can find the after-school care application form and the application for cost absorption here.

You can reach our after-school care team by dialling the after-school care mobile number: 01578 – 754 42 69.

Anke Deus Head After School Care IMS

Anke Deus Head After School Care IMS

The common big task is to create and maintain a successful balance between the basic needs of the children and the demands of teaching

Shaping togetherness

School is a place of learning and living. Children and adults should feel comfortable and safe here, stay healthy and enjoy working together. This requires respectful and considerate cooperation. Everyone – teachers, children, parents and guests – share responsibility for this.

In order to promote cooperation, successes as well as conflicts are regularly reflected in the learning groups, especially in the weekly class council. Common rules in the learning groups and for the whole school define the limits of personal freedom where consideration for others requires it. The rules for the school are laid down in the school and house rules. The teachers are responsible for reliably implementing the consequences for breaking the rules.