On 17 May 2024 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., we worked together with the parents and children to renew the borders of the beds and remove unwanted vegetation.

The sun was shining brightly and the atmosphere was relaxed and easy.

Work was divided into two groups. Group one worked on the borders and the second group on the beds.

As the corner posts had already been installed after good preparation, the slats had to be sawn to the right length and the angles attached. Finally, the slats were connected to the corner posts.

Meanwhile, the second group removed unwanted vegetation such as stinging nettles, goutweed and flowering plants from the beds.

In between and after the work was done, there were well-deserved refreshments.

This close co-operation between parents, children and school strengthens team spirit. It is important for the children to experience the process of creating and maintaining the beds in order to teach them the value of nature and its products.