St Martin lanterns at IMS

St. Martin “Lantern, Lantern, Sun, Moon and Stars” – that's how it sounded on Wednesday evening in the courtyard of the IMS for all kindergarten children and for all younger school children. Mr. Delport opened the traditional festival with a few words and briefly explained the story of St. Martin. With joy and singing, all children and parents made their way to the Wannsee. The lanterns glowed among all the people, young and old, creating a magical atmosphere. After sharing many St. Martin's croissants, the procession made its way back through the streets to the schoolyard, where some parents were waiting with punch. The festival will remain a happy memory for many children, and we would like to thank all those who helped to make it a success.

St Martin lanterns at IMS2024-12-02T11:22:54+01:00

Inventions far at the IMS

Our school's invention fair was a great success! Students in grades 4-6 explored famous inventors and inventions as part of our first fall semester unit. They then designed their own inventions to address global challenges. Each student created a prototype and a bilingual English German poster explaining their invention. Parents and younger students from grades 1-3 joined us on October 18th in the Tourmaline and Aquamarine classrooms to see the creative solutions firsthand. We had a fantastic turnout, and the students proudly presented their projects with enthusiasm.

Inventions far at the IMS2024-11-15T13:23:44+01:00

School enrolment 2024

Dear children and guests, we will sing a song in a moment, the chorus of which says: We want to get up, approach each other, learn from each other, and interact with each other. Get up, approach each other and not walk away when we don't understand something. I wish you all the same for the next four years at our school. Get up happily every morning, make new friends, learn together, even if you argue, make up and look for solutions.

School enrolment 20242024-09-13T15:52:51+02:00

Alumni meeting

The International Montessori School Berlin maintains contact with former pupils at the alumni meeting and thus helps the families of the 4-6th graders to prepare well for the transition to Year 7.

Alumni meeting2024-03-18T13:13:19+01:00


The highlight was the teambuilding with Lena Bergquist, who organised some great games. We were all able to get to know each other better and familiarise with our three new colleagues.


English test

The kids in Mr Mike Brennan’s English class study the language at IMS’s highest level, improving their skills in writing, reading comprehension, listening and, of course, speaking. The aim of the course - which is taken from year 4 to year 6 - is to help the children advance as much as possible, and this year the students again took a final test to assess their progress.

English test2023-07-10T14:17:04+02:00

Christmas bazaar for classes 1-3

At IMS, the pre-Christmas activities have begun. At the Christmas Bazaar, classes 4-6 invented, made and staged a series of games for the younger ones. From "Save Santa's Hat" to "Search in the Snow" or the already traditional "X-mas Bowling"...

Christmas bazaar for classes 1-32023-01-30T11:24:07+01:00

Theatre – Paula as a guest at IMS

Paula as a guest at IMS - Paula has conquered the hearts of the students at our International Montessori School by storm. No wonder - the plea for #tolerance and #diversity is a lived daily practice at our school.

Theatre – Paula as a guest at IMS2022-05-02T11:07:47+02:00

The first graders’ 100th day in school

The students from 36 nations at IMS are very interested in traditions from different countries. Thus, on 27 January 2022, the 100th day of school for first graders was celebrated - a beautiful custom in America.

The first graders’ 100th day in school2022-01-31T08:52:03+01:00
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