About Marion Michaud

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So far Marion Michaud has created 82 blog entries.

Friendly get-to-know-you meeting with city councillor

At the recent friendly get-to-know-you meeting, we had the pleasure of discussing the development opportunities of the International Montessori School Berlin (IMS) with great anticipation for the future. The participation of Mrs Richter-Kotowski, City Councillor for Education, and Mr von Wittig, Head of the Sports and Education Department, gave the meeting a special significance.

Friendly get-to-know-you meeting with city councillor2024-05-17T15:19:36+02:00

Alumni meeting

The International Montessori School Berlin maintains contact with former pupils at the alumni meeting and thus helps the families of the 4-6th graders to prepare well for the transition to Year 7.

Alumni meeting2024-03-18T13:13:19+01:00

Learn tennis

By this summer, a maximum of 8 pupils will have improved their fitness and motivation, learnt to play tennis and made friends in a friendly group at the IMS Tennis Academy.

Learn tennis2024-02-15T12:28:27+01:00

Christmas Singing Event

On St Nicholas' Day, the school management invited everyone to a Christmas carol sing in a romantic atmosphere. This was a way of thanking pupils, parents and colleagues for the appreciation shown to the entire staff of the International Montessori School Berlin in recent months.

Christmas Singing Event2024-03-11T08:49:15+01:00

Nationwide reading aloud day

We at IMS also took part in the nationwide Read Aloud Day on 17 November. Under the motto "everything to do with books and the written word", the children were able to wander through the school building and take part in interesting activities. Teachers and parents offered entertaining workshops - e.g. on bookbinding, storytelling with the Kamishibai and creating their own comics.

Nationwide reading aloud day2023-11-22T09:23:47+01:00
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